நம்பிக்கை நிறைந்த ஒருவர் யார் முன்னேயும் எப்போதுமே மண்டியிடுவது இல்லை.
வியாழன், 5 செப்டம்பர், 2019
To my teachers...
To my universe,
You cherish me,
You encourage me,
You never made me fed,
Instead you share me
Your piece of experience,
You care for me everyday,
You show me ,the way to success But,
you taken & bear
the pain of Hardness in that.
You hide your pain,and
Construct our mind with smile,
You are my honorable teachers,
Who spread me like a seed,
And made me a plant today...
I salute you for you
Ultimate profession
Hapieee teacher's day to all ....
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